Thursday, February 8, 2024

Blog post pitch, will you please take a look?


As you try to grow a successful business, it can be difficult to determine the right, best next step when you're ready to move forward. That's the topic I'd like to explore for your readers.

Can I write an article for your website on how to know what should come next for your business? I'll cover what factors to consider, how to budget for those changes, who to turn to for additional guidance, and more.

If interested, please respond and I'll get started on the article.

Best regards,

Davis Jameson

P.S. If you'd prefer an article on a different topic, please let me know. That said, I understand if you're not interested in guest posts. Just let me know and I won't reach out to you again.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Article offer, will you please consider?


Would it be possible for me to create an article for your website about how to launch a company that helps or otherwise caters to family carers of elderly people?

I'll offer advice throughout the post on a variety of topics, including how to start a business that caters to this market, how to choose which services to offer, how to attract your first customers, and much more. If you're interested, just let me know, and I'll get to work straight away.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration!

Claire W |

– If you don't like the suggested topic, do reach out to me with a topic that works better for your website. Your feedback is always valued!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Please take a look at this for me


There are a lot of business owners who have decided to close their
doors due to COVID, ongoing supply chain problems, and a lack of
qualified workers.

The closure of one business can be an opportunity for another.
Forward-thinking entrepreneurs can buy these businesses and alter them
to satisfy the needs of a shifting market by incorporating new
services, increasing their product line, or changing their physical

Would you be willing to let me write an article about this topic for
your website? I'll give advice on how to acquire a business and
rebrand it for a new market.

I appreciate your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Marjorie Jones

P.S. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you're interested in a
piece but would prefer one on a different subject. Alternatively, if
you ever decide that you no longer wish to receive emails from me,
just let me know.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

I’ve got something special for your blog. Check it out!


Becoming a translator can be a great career path for someone who is
bilingual or multilingual.

Can I write an article for your website on how to get started as a translator?

Hope to hear from you!

Stacey Curiel /

P.S. If you're interested in content from me - but on a different
topic - please respond to let me know and we'll figure out a better
option. If you don't like receiving emails from me, I totally
understand! Just let me know.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Article pitch - please review


With the possibility of a recession looming, many business owners are rightly feeling worried about what it could mean for their companies. But there is hope! And to that end, I'd like to share some easy-to-implement actions that SBOs can take now to steel their businesses against future economic turmoil.

What do you think? Are you interested in posting my article so together we can help protect small businesses during these difficult times?

Thank you for your consideration,

Jeffrey D. Conley

P.S. If you're interested in an article, but want one on a different topic, please don't hesitate to reach out. Otherwise, just let me know if ever you don't want to receive any further emails.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Can you look at this for me?


I'm working on an article for entrepreneurs who struggle with day-to-day business administration. Would you like this free article for your website? The article will explain how to make getting paid easier.

The article will touch on the following points:

  • working with a specialist in accounting

  • acquisition of accounting software

  • invoicing and sales monitoring

  • processing credit cards and chargebacks

  • saving on shipments and fulfillment

  • acquiring loans

I'd appreciate your thoughts and feedback on the suggested topic. 

I sincerely appreciate your time and consideration in possibly posting my proposed content on your website.

Virginia C.

P.S. I'm very much open to your topic ideas, if you'd like to request one that's a higher priority for you. However, I'd also understand if you don't want to receive any further emails from me. Please let me know if that's the case.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Could you please look into this for me?


Would you be open to posting a free resource guide on your website that shares the steps involved in setting up a nonprofit organization?

I'll keep it concise, but will be sure to cover essential aspects of getting a nonprofit up and running, such as: financials, logistics, daily management, reporting requirements.

May I write this up for your review and consideration?

Thank you!

Meredith Jones 

P.S. Reply "unsubscribe" to opt out of future communication from me.